At Hazel, we embrace everything that comes with being a woman. And by everything, we mean everything – from periods and perimenopause to leaks and low sex drive. Through this series, we share stories of inspiring tastemakers and rule breakers living their truth at every age. We don’t shy away from taboos. We eyeroll at the word perfect – it’s all about celebrating the perfectly imperfect. In this Mother’s Day Edition, we are shining a light on our own amazing moms, who couldn’t be more deserving.
Aubrey, Co-Founder & Chief Design Officer
On Her Mom’s Best Quality…
Her generosity with her community. She’ll drop everything when someone is sick to make a huge batch of lasagna and rally her community to make sure that person is taken care of.
She taught me to “go be their friend,” to the new kid at school, the latest hire, or a neighbor that sticks to herself.
Aubrey's Mom, Darlene
Ever-Evolving” Means…
Mom, wife, friend, grandmother (Binda), caretaker. With each stage, a different hat. With each hat, a different set of tasks. They’re all me. Improved. Evolving.
What TRULY Gets Better With Age
LIFE! LOVE! RELATIONSHIPS! I’ve learned to love more and worry less. Now is the time to be proud. Enjoy the rewards of your efforts.
The Most Rewarding Thing About Being A Mom
When my children show compassion for others. Compassion is so important.
The Hardest Thing About Being A Mom
When any of my three children are hurting. Whether it be physical or emotional, when they hurt, I hurt.
Jackie, Director of Customer Experience
On Her Mom’s Best Quality…
Her sense of community. My mom has several friends she’s known since middle school and many more since college. No matter how she has changed and evolved over the years, she’s kept her long-standing community intact and has continued to expand it too. Relationships take work, and my mom has always been not only willing to put in the work, but she also makes it seem easy.
Jackie's Mom, Kathy
“Ever-Evolving” Means…
Nothing stays the same. Even things that stay the same are experienced differently as we get older. The trick is to embrace the change and not be depressed by it. I always prided myself in cooking well for my kids, and now I think they might be better chefs than I ever was.
What TRULY Gets Better With Age
Wine? No more period cramps? Older kids = more to be proud of (with a lot less work on my part). And more free time. I grew up in New York, and now my two adult daughters live there. I love that I have the time to experience New York through their eyes.
The Most Rewarding Thing About Being A Mom
Watching your kids grow into fully formed adults and craft lives of their own.
The Hardest Thing About Being A Mom
Letting go and allowing your kids to experience life on their own, including making their own mistakes. Watching them be sad or hurt. Remembering that kids get to create their own lives, not necessarily the one I had or the one I expected for them. Their lives are their own to lead. I just try to be supportive.

Yvonne, VP of Supply Chain & Operations
On Her Mom’s Best Quality…
Her resilience is truly remarkable. Her resilience to make sure that we were loved, protected, given the best of what they could offer us, and making sure that we felt that we can do whatever we want and take over the world.
Yvonne's Mom, Shirley
“Ever-Evolving” Means…
As with life, nothing stays the same. Everything is constantly changing, so to be ever-evolving means that you go with the flow and always learn to adapt and change along the way. How to be a mom changes as your child grows. As a baby, you do everything for them, then they get older and you get to guide them, and then they become an adult and you get to become their friend. Motherhood is an amazing journey.
What TRULY Gets Better With Age
Happiness and the ability to feel happy and bliss is even more rewarding and fulfilling.
The Most Rewarding Thing About Being A Mom
Being able to love unconditionally and truly understanding what it means to sacrifice all for your child in each and every way. I chose to be a stay-at-home mom and gave up “working.” At the time, I believed it to be a sacrifice, but only to later realize that it was rewarding in the sense that I was able to watch and witness my children grow, learn, laugh, and cry, and I saw all of that every single day of their childhood. That “sacrifice” was what bonded us and made us so close to each other.
The Hardest Thing About Being A Mom
Patience, it’s a test of patience! It’s so easy to watch your child fall and want to grab them and pick them up immediately, but it takes patience to sit back and watch them get back up themselves, and I mean this literally and metaphorically. That is the only way that they will learn and be able to carve their own path forward.

Shawna, VP of Growth
On Her Mom’s Best Quality…
My mom is so inquisitive. She’s always asking questions, trying new things, exploring, and her curiosity about life has only grown as she’s gotten older! We were on a mother-daughter trip to Morocco last year, and my mom proved to be such an adventurer – riding a camel and a mule and hiking the Atlas Mountains on the same day!
Shawna's Mom, Lois
“Ever-Evolving” Means…
Ever- evolving means that things continue to get better as the years and decades continue to roll along. I was able to be successful in my career while being a supportive wife and mom. I was a highly qualified teacher while my husband and daughter were able to reach high levels in their careers. This evolution came about by us working together as one unit.
What TRULY Gets Better With Age
My self-confidence gets better with age. Each decade I become less and less concerned about what other people will think. I would try things that some women would think were crazy, like drive 10 hours alone to visit family and friends. I’ve flown in from Rome, taken a shower, and dashed off to work – and this was at age 66. As long as I’m mobile, I will continue to try new things.
The Most Rewarding Thing About Being A Mom
The most rewarding thing about being a mom is seeing your child become successful. You know that they will be able to exist in this world on their own feet.
The Hardest Thing About Being A Mom
The most difficult thing about being a mom is juggling spouse, child, household, and a full- time job. They all need some tender loving care.