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Ever-Evolving Woman | Renata Joy

Ever-Evolving Woman | Renata Joy

Renata Joy is proof that we all have the power to control our own destiny (well, to a certain point, at least). The mother/grandmother/entrepreneur grew up in a family where everyone was unwell: Her mom had polio, her dad had kidney failure, and her siblings were always sick. She told us, 

“It wasn’t their fault – no one taught them how to live a healthy lifestyle. They were not active and didn’t eat well. It scared me shitless from a very young age, and I knew that wasn’t the path I wanted for myself.”

She started her professional career as a TV producer and made the leap after 20 successful years to her true calling: wellness expert. She coaches women on taking control over their health and making them feel young, strong, and sexy at every stage of life.

She got candid with us about facing the new reality of her partner receiving a terminal prognosis and shared her self-care tips for feeling comfortable and confident in your body at any age. Meet one of the most self-aware, awe-inspiring women we’ve had the pleasure of meeting in a long while: Renata Joy. 

The Backstory

When I was 6 years old, my older brother – whom I adored – told me I was going to work in television. So I did exactly what he told me I was supposed to do for 20 years. I liked it and was very successful at it, but I lacked passion for it. From a young age, I studied everything I could about living a healthy lifestyle to avoid living like my family did, obviously having no idea wellness would become a thing so many years later. When I decided to leave TV and start a lifestyle brand, no one was surprised.

True Vision

Pure Joy Wellness is devoted to women taking charge of their health. We’re all going to age, and we’re all afraid of it, but it’s going to happen regardless. What you can control is how it affects your quality of life. Women typically come to me when they’re noticing signs of aging and don’t like how they look or don’t feel good about themselves. I teach them proper exercise, nutrition, and skincare, so they feel confident as it happens. 

How To Feel Your Best

  1. Change your mindset. Don’t compare yourself to other people. Instead, look at what it will take for you to be healthy – that looks different for everyone.
  2. You need to move everyday. I’m a big proponent of walking because everyone can do it.
  3. Make sure you’re getting enough protein, healthy fats, fiber, fresh fruits and veggies, and not consuming too many calories. 

The Tough Stuff

My first husband passed away in a car accident when my son was 4 (he’s now 47), and I had to raise him alone – that was devastating. I didn’t date for like 20 years because I didn't want my son to feel like someone else was coming before him. At the end of 2021, the person I’ve been with for the last 16 years was diagnosed with terminal gallbladder cancer, so I’m dealing with the fact that someone I love and cherish is going to die. It’s made me realize that when it comes to aging, we don't talk enough about death. At this point in life, people die, that’s just reality – I have to wrap my head around that. How do I cope with it? It’s very fresh, so I don’t have any advice yet, but I know it's a subject that we need to talk about more.

Better With Age…

For me, my understanding of who I am as a person gets better with age. I know my wants, needs, desires… I’ve come into my own power more. I’m not afraid to say what I need – I used to struggle with that when I was younger.

Future Is Bright

I’m looking forward to expanding the Pure Joy Wellness brand. I have a walking challenge to get 1 million women to move 30 minutes a day for 30 days, and I’m very excited about that. Long-term, I want to get them moving every single day because it’s so important as you get older. And, of course, my ultimate goal is to get women to understand that their health should be their #1 priority. 

What “Ever-Evolving” Means To Her

For me, it means understanding who I am and that I’m constantly changing every day. My career revolves around helping women evolve. I did a photoshoot with some women recently who had never had their hair and makeup professionally done before – watching them blossom into these confident beings was really awesome! We all have areas where we can grow and learn, and I love teaching women how to do that.

Self Care

  • I’m a skincare fanatic. I love it. I get a facial once a month.
  • Exercise - I have it in my calendar daily.
  • I meditate every morning. When you quiet yourself, it gives you the opportunity to hear yourself.
  • I journal. Journaling is kind of like a history lesson on yourself, and I’ve been doing it since 6th grade. I love looking back and seeing how far I've come.
  • It’s so important to surround yourself with people that care about you.

Fill in The Blank: Sex gets __________ as you get older because ___________ .

Sex gets better as I get older because I understand how to please myself. And I love pleasing myself. Until you understand how to please yourself, no one else can please you. Everyone should understand the art of masturbation, and women sometimes shy away from it with shame. Masturbation is exercise! Every woman should be comfortable with her own body and understand what pleases them. 

Every Woman Needs…

I love Tabu’s sexual kit. It helped me with vaginal moisture and feeling comfortable with pleasing myself.